Friday, April 29, 2011

One answered prayer!

Trina found her "Forever Family"!!! She was adopted outside of Reece's Rainbow, so I will never get to know who her family is, but she is going HOME!!!

Please keep praying that Giselle and Arlene get to go HOME too!

Monday, April 25, 2011


I check the My Family Found Me page on Reece's Rainbow everyday, in fact multiple times a day. Every time I do I hope to see one of the girls' picture on this page, so far I have not been so lucky. I am waiting, knowing it will happen. These are just of few of the kids needing rescuing from these orphanages. I celebrate each new addition to this page and am really happy that another orphan has found their "Forever Family", I just want these sweet girls to have that same blessing, so I will continue to advocate for them and I will continue to check that page, yes even multiple times!

Saturday, April 9, 2011


This precious, sweet, suffering little girl needs a home NOW!!! There is no way to sugarcoat her disabilities, she has a lot of them, but that does not mean she does not deserve LOVE, a family, freedom from her "prison"! The orphanage she is in is one of the poorest in her country. She is in the groupa with the most severely disabled children. She is in her "prison" 24/7! Her only reprieve is when they are feeding her (more like shoving food at her as fast as possible and hoping she gets any of it down) and when they change her. There are no cuddles for her when she hurts and there is NO stimulation given to her. If you read her profile I know it seems overwhelming, but if she had been born in the US her parents would have been given the resources to help deal with these issues, she wouldn't have been tossed aside like she has been. I truly want to see her blossom to HER potential and the only way to do that is for her forever family to rescue her soon. She is still at the baby house in her country but not for long, if you can imagine a worse fate for her it is the institution she will be transferred is much worse than she is at now! Please help me find her forever family...she is almost out of time!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011


Patricia Heaton and Reece's Rainbow reached their goal!!!! $10,000 has been donated to Reece's Rainbow and thousands of people now know about these precious children. I am hopeful that there are some adoptive parents in these numbers and some VERY deserving children will find their forever families soon!